Valencia CF and Fundació VCF to rebuild the football field at Sedaví municipal Sports Complex
José Francisco Cabanes, Mayor of Sedaví: “We will never forget this act of solidarity to help us rebuild our town”
In the week of the Trofeu Taronja against Aston Villa FC, the first team squad and the coaching staff, led by Rubén Baraja, made a floral tribute to the Virgin, patron saint of the city of Valencia
José Luis Gayà and Jaume Domènech were in charge of placing the flowers at the feet of Our Lady of the Forsaken in an emotional act that was attended by the president Layhoon Chan and the corporate director, Javier Solís.
The rector of the Basilica, Juan Melchor Seguí, presided over this offering to mark the start of the season and wished the team the best of luck for the 2023-24 season. Juan Melchor Seguí was accompanied by the vice-rector and chaplain of Valencia CF, Mr Álvaro Almenar.
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